East Barre CemeteryCreator: Matthew R. BallardDate: June 16, 2018Gravesite of Cpl. Horatio G. Stafford9th N.Y.H.A - East Barre CemeteryCreator: Matthew R. BallardDate: June 16, 2018Peter VanDyke LotEast Barre CemeteryCreator: Matthew R. BallardDate: June 16, 2018Grave of Sgt. Maj. Caleb Patterson CrowellDied at Danville Prison, March 5, 1865Creator: Matthew R. BallardDate: June 16, 2018Abijah Miller LotEast Barre CemeteryCreator: Matthew R. BallardDate: June 16, 2018Gravesite of Israel BatesAmerican Revolution PatriotCreator: Matthew R. BallardDate: June 16, 2018Mathes LotGravesite of Helen Mathes, Town of Barre HistorianCreator: Matthew R. BallardDate: June 16, 2018Lott Swift GravesiteAmerican Revolution PatriotCreator: Matthew R. BallardDate: June 16, 2018